[UK-CONTEST] Some clever chappy is bound to know

Mike Harris mike.harris at horizon.co.fk
Sat May 20 13:14:59 EDT 2006


Not something to do with edge detection is it?  Many HP printers tend to 
rock the paper in and out looking for the top edge, maybe the label page 
is semi-transparent or something.


Mike VP8NO

| I put in a sheet of labels and woops - the setting had altered to a very
| small margin at the top of the page, so all the labels were
| not in their square - if you know what I mean.    Darn I must have
| changed something.    Re-set all the setrting, reprinted with another
| sheet of paper, hold it up to the light, yup all nicely in the label
| area.     Insert another sheet of labels - bugger the top margin has
| shrunk again.   Stick in a sheet of ordinary paper - yes the labels
| print properly.    Stick in another label sheet - top margin
| has gone to buggery.

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