Nigel G3TXF nigel at G3TXF.com
Mon May 29 06:09:57 EDT 2006

Hullo UK Contesters,

G3TXF did 20m single-band single-op in WPX-CW.

2,350 QSOs, 882 prefixes and 4.27m points. 

The 36-hour operating limited makes a full entry quite practical. 

Started at 0000z (having had a few hours' snooze before the contest) and worked through to 1800z before a one hour dinner break. Got a full night's sleep between 23z on 07z. Then carried on through to the end with a two-hour breakfast break during the mid-morning on Sunday and a one hour tea break at 18z. Total QRV : 36 hours, total off 12 hours.

The continuous inflow of new prefix mults keeps the scoring rate accelerating nicely as the contest progresses.

Used single 3-el yagi at 80ft (two beams would have been preferable with JA's/UA9's invariably calling when CQ'ing the USA - and vice-versa!).

A fun contest. Thanks for all the QSOs (and the weirdo prefixes - especially being called by VI9NI!)

Hopefully the score will be somewhere near the top of the pile for Europe on 20m.

73 - Nigel G3TXF


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