[UK-CONTEST] HF Beam/WARC dipole on same mast

Darren G0TSM uk-contest at g0tsm.com
Sun Nov 5 05:53:39 EST 2006

Mount at 90deg, you soon get used to the needle on the rotator 
controller being one leg of the dipole.
If you really want to mount it parallel to the driven element of the 
yagi try shorting out the feed point of the dipole and then mount it 
about 8-12" away from the driven element. The coupling should resonate 
the dipole, if it doesn't if hasn't cost you anything. i remember trying 
this but I didn't have a good enough swr dip on 30M.

Mounting the D40 parallel to the tribander's driven element didn't upset 
any patterns or swr, that antenna worked brilliant.

Here's what I took down in 2001, a Create 318B (Now at C5DXC) a 
Cushcraft D40 and a Cuscraft D3W


Brings a tear to my eye ;-)

Darren G0TSM

Ian Fugler G4IIY wrote:
> I am seeking some advice, please.
> I have bought a rotatable dipole for 30/17/12m.  It is about 11m long.  I plan to mount it on the same stubmast as my HF beam (Cushcraft A3S) (separate feeders, of course).  It would only be about 2 or 3 feet below the A3S.
> Do I mount the dipole parallel with the A3S boom or parallel with the A3S' elements?  Parallel with the boom would be a nuisance, as the dipole is longer than the boom.  But, being parallel with the boom, there should presumably be less inter-action between the two.
> I am sure that others have done this.  I would welcome any thoughts, please.
> Thanks, Ian G4IIY
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