[UK-CONTEST] 2nd 1.8Mhz Test-whoops..

johndunnington johndunnington at johndunnington.karoo.co.uk
Sun Nov 19 08:30:32 EST 2006

Well they say never to old to learn..having swopped out my Orion (has a
problem) and installed my trusty FT1K-MP I realised the contest was about to
start as several QRG warmers were active. I had never intended joining in
other than a few points for the deserving as like Don (BJ) my only 160m
antenna is the 92ft Vertical. So at 2100
I download SD installed it no bother and call a few stations. Since we have
house guests over this weekend occasional QSY's to the lounge were always
good for brownie points bearing in mind next week is the big one. This
somewhat distracted my radio focus and at 2300 ish I noticed I had been
operating with the RF Power on the MP turned fully anti-clockwise.
Subsequently measured at below 1-Watt Output which explained the occasional
request for a repeat. Nothing ventured nothing gained so I carried on
10-mins here and there retired to watch Parky which I normally would never
do but Payling was on and I was interested in his next adventure viz a tour
of ex-Eastern Block Countries. Then returned for the death.

As Don commented the band was sure quiet with very loud Eu and some UK (not
all) and I spent the last hour SWL'ing USA and VE. The strongest UK stations
(exc locals) were the distant locations Nigel on Shetland, Clive in Orkney,
Gavin in GM, YOX in Guernsey, Jan (Cornwall), Colin in Southhampton,  even
Andy OEG was stronger than most non-local G's. All to be expected on the big

So what did the QRPP work  I had 52 QSO's (40-Bonus) in  30 Areas and 10

Lessons learned how to call on QRPP (do not call if others do) was nice to
know the Rf was getting spread about a bit though.


John G3LZQ

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