G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 20 17:57:14 EST 2006

Dave, apologies for not replying to your direct email!

I downloaded the latest version and likewise had to scrap the +s and -s. 
You have to question the operating ethics of these guys, and those who 
blindly follow the speed up/down crap. I think someone calculated once 
on the CQ Contest Reflector just how much time would be saved. If I 
recall correctly we are talking about a few minutes if you operated for 
the full 48 hours in CQWW CW at a constant 150 Qs per hour. Nano seconds 
in an RSGB event, even Commonwealth with all the CQing required!

Yes, it's all about rhythm and attracting punters!

Chris SJJ

Dave Lawley wrote:
> Hi Chris
> I don't like the speed up thing at all, and it's one of the main 
> drawbacks of WT that every time I go in and set up a contest, I have to 
> go and remove all those stupid ++ and --
> The whole point about CW is rhythm. How can you have any rhythm when 
> bits of the message are deliberately speeded up and slowed down?
> But then, I am a (lapsed) Catholic.
> Cheers, Dave G4BUO
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