[UK-CONTEST] Time off for Contesting.
chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com
Wed Nov 29 17:18:20 EST 2006
I had similar experience this year Stephen. I wanted time off to go to Alderney as part of the MU5W team, but my boss would not sanction the holiday - all flights, and shipping of gear was still paid out by myself - so I have booked the week before and the week following for next year. And I have them approved! May be that is the only answer, book early.
As for the hobby being called radio sport, would the WRTC site and information be useful? You could then tell the HR department and your boss that all the contests are practice sessions that you need to attend to train for the next event!
STEPHEN LAWRENCE <stephen.lawrence at btinternet.com> wrote:
Hello All.
The organisation that pays my wages has a tradition of giving people time off to play their sport on an international level.
This of course is unpaid leave, but hey so what you only live once.
Now we all know that Contesting is RADIO SPORT....but is there anything in print that identifies it as so.
I applied for annual leave for CQWW this year and was refused, as soon as my application gets knocked back they make a note so the 'throwing a sickie' rather drops you in it so to speak.
A colleague plays sport at international level and has just been granted time off.......so that has set me thinking....I play sport on an international level , albeit that we dont appear on the TV every now and again...excluding TVI!.
Does anyone else get awarded this privaledge to take part in things like WPX and CQWW, which of course are international events.
Anyone got any pointers in what I should put in my letter to our HR Director asking for a couple of weekends off next year?. Is ther any literature that actually mentions Contesting as a SPORT?
Please let me know your thoughts either on or off the reflector............on a personal level it would be great just to get the permission slip in my hand!.
G4EOF -- De Montfort University ARS member. M2A
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