[UK-CONTEST] Time off for Contesting.

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Thu Nov 30 07:22:27 EST 2006

G3RIR wrote:
>I am certainly one of the "howls of protest" group who object to 
>contesting being called Radio Sport.
Blame Joe Stalin for that. If amateur radio had not been officially 
classified as a "sport", and organised through "sports clubs", there's 
no way it could have existed at all behind the Iron Curtain.

Much later, the term "Radio Sport" seems to have picked up by IARU, and 
applied more specifically to the competitive side of amateur radio.

Since IARU bureaucracy is even more impenetrable than the Kremlin, it 
looks like "Radio Sport" is here to stay.

73 from Ian GM3SEK

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