[UK-CONTEST] Short 80m ON SSB contest 8 Oct - ideal for 'beginners'?

John Muzyka g4rcg at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 3 03:12:12 EDT 2006

Good contests are these in spring and autumn (dont know about SSB tho!), I won the DX CW one a couple of years ago, nice and laid back and no great rush. SuperDuper supports it as well which gives you all the locator codes from the ON stations, Usually manage to hear them until about 08.30z ish then they just fade out to nothing
  John G4RCG

"Andy, GM1TBW" <gm1tbw at onetel.com> wrote:
  This could be ideal for folk wanting to 'have a go' at contesting...

80 m SSB: Sunday 8 October 2006, 0600 - 1000 UTC


Only contacts with ON stations are permitted.

Exchange: RS(T) + serialnumber starting at 001.

ON stations also give their club code. e.g. 59001 MCL

Each QSO with ON counts 3 points.

Each club worked gives one multiplier.

In each part of the contest the winners from each country receive an award, if
they made at least 30 valid QSO.


Send your logs not later than 3 weeks after the contest to:

Mailing address for logs:
Welters Leon, ON5WL
Borgstraat 80


E-mail logs to:
ubaon at uba.be

Best wishes

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