[UK-CONTEST] 10/15m test

Graeme Caselton gcaselton at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 2 20:59:01 EDT 2006

>From here, the stair rods of rain didn't help any! QRP and a Hygain
vertical gave only 4 QSO's on 15m, but the surprise was OD5NH worked
57 both ways on SSB.

The 50MHz ON contest also proved to be a dead band here, with only
one ON station heard down in the noise.

The CIS RTTY contest over the same weekend showed that 15m WAS open
at times. The highlight was VK4AN on 20m, several S points stronger
that JA6GCE, my usual 'RTTY to Asia is open' yardstick.

Still, an enjoyable weekend [rain permitting!]


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