[UK-CONTEST] 10/15 Contest

Jim Martin mm0bqi at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Oct 3 03:37:29 EDT 2006

Achieved my goal and got into double figures!  The wet string in the garden
would only cope with 50w,  I suspect even 500w would not have brought many
more Qs.  I worked everything I could here during my brief visits to the
rig.  Called CQ on 21.018 for about half an hour without a single response.
Later on worked VQ9JC first call on 10m which made the days efforts worth
while. 13 Qs 10 on 15m, 3 on 10m.
MP to a low dipole running 50w. Multi op due to cluster use.
Funniest moment was early on seeing the following spot....I think someone
was having a laugh!

M0CNP     14205.0 M0CNP       RSGB 21/28 contest            0716 01 Oct 2006

Jim,  MM0BQI

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