Gerard Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Wed Oct 18 18:39:08 EDT 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Lawley" <g4buo at compuserve.com>

> Our VHF contesting brethren have got themselves into a mess by use of
> KST to set up QSOs. It is perhaps arguable on the higher VHF/UHF bands
> in a contest, though personally I am dead against it.

It certainly has it's uses on 23cm for beam alignment and the like, but I 
get very queasy when people ask for a serial number fill via ON4KST.


Gerry G0RTN
Vanity Page at http://www.gerrylynch.co.uk
"In days of old, when ops were bold, and sidebands not invented,
The word would pass, by pounding brass, and all were well contented." 

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