Gerard Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Mon Apr 2 03:57:24 EDT 2007

At 01:39 02/04/2007, philhss at tesco.net wrote:
>I heard you working on 40m and gave you a call - but I couldn't 
>break through the Eu wall! I was operating at VK6ANC...
>You had a very nice signal into VK and I was sure I could get you 
>into the log - but alas, no.

That's a nice surprise Phil, because every DX contact I had on 40 
involved a real battle to be heard through the QRM!!!  VR2C told me I 
was 59 in the clear but I still needed to use meteor scatter 
procedures to get the serial number through to him!  Didn't even have 
a hint of anyone calling me and I don't CQ on 40 SSB in big contests 
as it's usually an exercise in futility with 100 Watts.

It always interests me, not having been in the antipodes, seeing 
those youtube videos where you see VK and ZL stations calling 20 over 
9 Europeans on 'quiet bands' in contests and not being heard.  Must 
be very frustrating.


Gerry G0RTN

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