[UK-CONTEST] Eu Sprint - Apology

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Sun Apr 15 13:02:51 EDT 2007

> The Russian DX Contest has really exploded in recent years:
> Number of logs submitted to this contest:
> 2006 - 2682
> 2005 - 2435
> 2004 - 1898
> 2003 - 1563
> 2002 - 1271
> 2001 - 1187
> 2000 - 830
> 1999 - 658
> 1998 - 595
> 1997 - 397
> 73 de Roger/G3SXW.

I suspect this is largely due to the the excellent organisation of RDXC, 
including individual mailing of high quality results booklets to all 
entrants, the number of certificates awarded, results analysis etc. all 
which will motivate many entrants.  Quite how all this is achieved on a 
"voluntary" basis (as we would understand the term) I'm not sure, but there 
doesn't seem to be any shortage of involved people in their team.  Compared 
to contests organised by RSGB where world-wide entries are invited (with the 
possible exception of IOTA), we would be viewed as very much the poor 
relation.  The impression given to the world is that the Russians are 
nicer/more dedicated/caring/understanding of the needs of participants than 
we are.  The formula clearly works and propaganda still reigns!

Do we need to take a lesson on board?  CQWW the daddy of them has been 
successful since 1948 - it works too.  So did the Bermuda contest.  We'd 
need a UK-based outfit to sponsor UK contests - any ideas?

73, Peter G3LET

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