[UK-CONTEST] Radcom Contest Results

Cooper, Stewart coopers at odl.co.uk
Wed Apr 25 05:31:55 EDT 2007

Yes, I have already sent my comments to the editor, rather than preach to the converted here. I really think all these e-mails on this subject should be copied to radcom at rsgb.org.uk as well as the reflector.

-----Original Message-----
From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Don Field
Sent: 24 April 2007 23:37
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Radcom Contest Results

It's good to see support on here for effective contest coverage in RadCom,
but do please copy your comments to the editor (as Chris G3SJJ has done). It
will strengthen my hand when I meet with him in my role as Contest Committee
Chairman - giles.read at rsgb.org.uk

As background, I met a year or so back with Alex Kearns and agreed that,
with the exception of the IOTA Contest, where the full international istings
were getting too large, RadCom would list all entrants, though maybe not
with every piece of data ("best DX", "Locator", regionas worked, or
whatever). It's clear that the Web allows scope for full data, soapbox,
photos, etc. in a way which will never be possible in RadCom. But, at the
end of the day, RadCom is the Society's journal of record, and a complete
list of calls and scores would seem appropriate. And if, for some reason,
the list is incomplete, this should be made clear, along with an indication
of where the full listing can be found.

With Alex gone and Giles now appointed editor, it is clear that I need to
renew that particular conversation. Any support is welcome. The Society's
stance, quite rightly in many ways, has always been that the editor has a
free hand with the content and layout of the magazine - after all, the job
would be impossible if he always had every volunteer and committee member
breathing over his shoulder. But, equally, this is a Society journal, not a
news-stand magazine, so certain obligations follow.


Don Field G3XTT
Board Member for Sports Radio and (pro-tem) Contest Committee Chairman

On 4/24/07, Gerard Lynch <gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk> wrote:
> At 09:52 24/04/2007, you wrote:
> >I heartily welcome the recent editorial changes at Radcom, however
> >the published results seem now to be limited to the first 20 places
> >(May issue).
> I think this is actually quite negative in terms of encouraging new
> licensees to try their hand at contesting.  As the old saying goes,
> "if it's not in the paper, it never happened".
> 73
> Gerry G0RTN
> http://www.gerrylynch.co.uk
> "In days of old, when ops were bold and sidebands not invented
> The word would pass by pounding brass, and all were well contented."
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