[UK-CONTEST] Radcom ..
Adrian Rees
rees.a at btconnect.com
Thu Apr 26 04:16:47 EDT 2007
Sent this last night. CC'd to relevant parties.
Dear Giles
I want to express my concern at the reduced (and apparent reducing)
coverage in RadCom, of the UK Amateur Radio Contest scene, and in
particular, limited results of RSGB organised contests.
As you may be aware, Amateur Radio contesting is one area of the hobby
that is growing at a considerable rate. This, in my opinion, is due to a
number of factors:
Change in Licensing Structure, making the hobby far more accessible than
it has ever been.
Contest Rules and Types changing, levelling the playing field. For
example Open and Restricted Sections, "TB3 and Wires", UKAC and Short
Evening Contests etc
Increase in numbers of "younger" amateurs looking for a
"competitive-sport-with-brains-required" pastime.
Increase in the use of technology to achieve higher scores, and better
Each of these factors have benefits, both within the hobby and outside
It is my understanding that one of the guiding principles of the RSGB is
promote and encourage the hobby of Amateur Radio, in all its areas.
Contesting not only promotes and encourages the hobby, it also has
significant additional benefits for its practionners. (For example, Team
Building, management, analysis and design).
As Editor of RadCom, I should think your primary objectives would be the
actual content of the magazine, balancing the various and diverse
interests within the hobby, with available magazine space. As a
secondary objective, I should think that these objectives must be met,
within the framework of the guiding principles of the RSGB.
As a magazine, publishing to an audience, and competing with other
magazines, RadCom and therefore its Editor, must keep abreast of the
trends within the hobby, and not only satisfy the demands driven by
these trends, but should also be commercially astute, and exploit the
potential that these trends offer.
I fail to understand therefore, the reduction in magazine space
available to the contesting column, and in particular the results
section. It is after all this particular section that would encourage
more contesting activity, with its additional benefits, as outlined
above, and it is this particular section that formally announces the
results in a recorded manner, which will encourage more to enter.
Adrian Rees
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