[UK-CONTEST] Contest Results...Russian Booklet!

G3SXW g3sxw at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 27 16:16:20 EDT 2007

Suggestion: let's educate the non-hams who run RSGB so they understand that 
SSTVers, SWLs, VLFers, Satelliters, EMEers are the tiny minority groups and 
that contesters (especially HF) are one of the mainstream, biggest 
minorities. So let's show them a selection of contest Results booklets from 
various countries, such as Nigel has described. Let's then relate these 
directly to the fast-growing number of contest log-entries in those 
countries, demonstrating that the cost of publicising contest-results is 
excellent investment in the hobby.

Lee/G0MTN strikes me as the man for this job. He enters every contest known 
to man, so must have all these Results booklets neatly filed away.
73 de Roger/G3SXW.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nigel G3TXF" <nigel at G3TXF.com>
To: "UK Contest Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 8:51 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Contest Results...Russian Booklet!

> Today a 48-page high gloss Contest Results booklet dropped through the 
> post from the organisers of the 2006 Russian DX Contest.
> It's superb. Loads of tables, comments, analysis and colour photos too. As 
> has been noted on here before, the numbers of logs received for the R-DX-C 
> are growing dramatically i.e 2004: 2,007, 2005: 2,581 and 2006 : 2,864.
> I'm not sure in what world the management and editorial staff at RSGB HQ 
> reside. The reality in the outside world of Amateur Radio (beyond Potters 
> Bar perhaps) is that Contesting and DXing operating ARE the key drivers of 
> this hobby of ours on a global basis. That's where the real excitement, 
> major increase in activity and largest growth potential are to be found. 
> The content of our Society's journal needs to reflect this more. Let's 
> have less of this constant trimming back of coverage of the key drivers of 
> our hobby.
> And the publication of the full results of the RSGB's own contests are, of 
> course, just part of it.
> 73 - Nigel G3TXF
> PS : And no, unfortunately I won't be at the AGM in Edinburgh tomorrow (I 
> was in Scotland for the GM-DX Convention only last week). However there's 
> one question that someone in the audience might care to ask: if the 
> publishers and editorial staff for RadCom believe they have the right 
> 'mix' of content, why does it appear to be so difficult to regularly sell 
> advertising space on the all-important outside back cover?
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