[UK-CONTEST] VHF Contests too long]
paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Sat Aug 18 13:25:49 EDT 2007
Ray James wrote:
> VHFCC did not impose the new rules for the reason Roger interpreted but because in their opinion operators were abusing the system by self spotting themselves on the Cluster and ON4KST chat rooms. There inference was also present of stations using both these systems for confirming information in order to claim a scoring contact and that this totally unacceptable proceedure was widespread.
> This was totally without foundation and further more, no evidence was produced.
My comments are particularly related to MS, EME and general DX operating
rather than contesting in particular.
I live along way from EU and ON4KST was handy to get people to beam this
way - I used it ethically and fairly for a few years.
However -
Two years ago the amount of QSO information that was being passed too
and by participants (cheating) was so intense that I stopped using it.
I was disgusted, yes I need to get out more, by the way that reports and
confirmation was passed openly and with no shame. The ethics of the
qso taking place "on the radio" had disappeared.
A few weeks ago when Italy got an allocation within the 4m band I
decided to log in and take look to see if anyone was QRV.
I saw exactly the same behaviours going on in July 07 and that was and
will be, the last time I ever use the facility.
When I questioned whether *any* of the ongoing QSO was going to take
place on 4m the participants suggested moving to Skype!
I'm sure that the VHF CC's stance has resulted in fewer QSO's and less
activity during VHF/UHF contests but those that take place are real
qso's and participants can hold their heads high knowing that no one can
accuse them of cheating.
My opinion for what its worth.
73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI
73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI
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