[UK-CONTEST] "Collecting" QSLs...

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Mon Dec 17 02:04:52 EST 2007

On 16 Dec 2007 at 22:12, Danny Higgins wrote:

> A few years ago (before the Post Office started killing the hobby of
> stamp collecting by bringing out too many pointless issues) I used to
> go to a monthly stamp auction in Southampton where on one or two
> occasions there would be a box of QSL cards in amongst the ephemera. 
> These always went for silly prices.  One box of a couple of thousand
> went for £28.  Why not fund your RSGB membership by selling your
> surplus QSLs?

Interesting point Danny. When we cleared out Mum's house a few years 
ago we passed a lot of things to a local auction house. A couple of 
albums of cigarette cards (Dad's, not Mum's...) sold for silly money, 
far more than anything else we were getting rid of.

I know there are a few amateurs who do look to buy old QSLs but maybe 
there is a market for these things in the wider world. I would like 
to think mine go to somewhere worthwhile when the time comes rather 
than just going into landfill (sorry Chris...).

No longer actively collect QSLs for awards but they certainly are a 
nice reminder of those QSOs you have made, some with specific meaning 
(like ZL3GQ on 160m with a genuine 10W...).

73 Dave G3YMC


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