[UK-CONTEST] GI0RTN - Irish 80 metres counties contest

Gerard Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Tue Jan 2 06:41:03 EST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Sergeant" <dave at davesergeant.com>

> Well having listened around 1400 I had already decided this contest
> was going to be a waste of time for us in the 'deep south'. All I
> heard then were G4FKA and G3ULT/P (Tom G3VQR in disguise)

Worked 'em both but G4FKA isn't anything like as far from here (and ever 
present in the CW band - thanks for the support Geoff) and I wasn't sure 
where G3ULT/P was.

Actually, I'd only really count G4BUO (575km according to DX Atlas) and 
M5FUN (592km) as deep South East.  You were at 511km (further than I would 
have thought off the top of my head and definitely worth an honourable 
mention given QRP!) and G4FKA only at 428km from the South Antrim 
countryside and a lot closer than that to, say, Wexford.


Gerry GI0RTN
Vanity Page at http://www.gerrylynch.co.uk
"In days of old, when ops were bold, and sidebands not invented,
The word would pass, by pounding brass, and all were well contented." 

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