[UK-CONTEST] Heil Headset Question

Frank Hunter frank.hunter at ntlworld.com
Sat Jan 6 05:57:39 EST 2007

Callum M0MCX wrote:

Hi Callum!

> Anyway, since many of you guys here have experience of these, is there any
> use in spending the extra £50 for a switchable HC-4 and HC-5 when I will
> only use the HC-5? Perhaps these headsets are fundamentally different / more
> comfortable etc etc..???

IMHO (and bear in mind I don't use SSB that much) you'd probably be 
better going for the Pro-Set with an HC-5 insert rather that a Pro-Set 
Plus with both inserts. Why? The Pro-Set is a lot lighter and more 
comfortable than the Plus and with DSP TX equalising available on modern 
rigs as standard you can make the HC-5 insert sound just as shrill and 
piercing as the HC-5! I spent quite a bit of time a few months ago 
messing around with various settings before reaching these conclusions, 
BTW the best brightest audio was produced by a an old Shure 444D which 
made the Heils sound positively "muddy" I have the samples here in MP3 
format, if you'd like them just ask.

73, Frank GI4NKB


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