[UK-CONTEST] AFS - and 3570 - 3590

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 15 15:22:33 EST 2007

Disagree Steve. Contesting has a good image. Motivated operators, 
pushing forward technology, innovative, developing skills in many facets 
eg rf and antenna design, mechanics, electronics etc. Not to mention the 
highly developed social side eg over 300 people attending the Dayton 
Contest Dinner. And, of course, keeping the bands activated, which is 
most important these days. Of course, there are a few purveyors of gloom 
and doom who don't see this side of things!

You also might ask when IARU contest-preferred segments and when NB 
segments were introduced! A case of the tale wagging the dog methinks!!

I might agree if you suggested, as G3SVL, did that given the changing 
footprint, a review of the suggested sub-bands might be needed. Maybe 
that is what you really meant?

Chris G3SJJ

Steve Rawlings wrote:
> Dave Sergeant wrote:
>  >
>> . . .   the area above 3580 was 
>> largely occupied by rtty and not really useable - I heard no AFS 
>> activity up there. I am not sure we should have a published cw 
>> contest frequency range which clashes with the data area, I should 
>> think they were a bit upset...
>> 73 Dave G3YMC
> Hi All
> I believe that there was the potential for upsetting data mode
> users.  So I'm glad that there was no significant CW contest
> activity above 3580 kHz.
> Contesting already has a poor image.  And I don't think that
> contest organisers help to improve that image by establishing
> contest rules which permit operation 30 kHz above the top
> end of an IARU contest preferred segment, and half-way into
> a narrow band modes segment.
> Regards to all,
> Steve GW4ALG
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