Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Thu Jun 14 02:22:36 EDT 2007

On 14 Jun 2007 at 7:02, Dave Sergeant wrote:

> 74 QSOs in the low power section.

Sorry I meant of course the QRP section. When will RSGB/HFCC get 
their act together. QRP means 5W or less (which is what I used last 
night). A QRP section cannot have a 10W power limit. Some RSGB 
contests (eg NFD) call the 10W section Low Power. Others such as the 
CC and some of the international contests seem to think that 100W is 
'Low Power'...

I think I have said this before.....

Why not keep to the system used by ARRL/CQ:

QRP - 5W or less
LP - 100W or less (though something other than 'Low Power' would be 
HP >100W


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