q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Thu Jun 14 13:00:08 EDT 2007
I was one of the (fairly) regulars who wasn't on last night....senior moment (after all I did hit 55 last week).....had misread the date and thought it was tonight (Thursday) But spent the time in worthwhile fashion building my USB based Winkey kit.
Quin G3WRR
John Muzyka <g4rcg at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Good fun last night, even though it was throwing it down all through the test the static was not that bad. Decided I was not going to get near the band edge as the last time I was jammed out by some foreign stations and lost lots of qso's (was glad that I did not get mixed up with the 3B pile up split that went up to 3530.0) so went up to 3531.0 and just worked a steady stream of calls untill 21.10 then went S&P and picked up quite a few. Ended up with 114 no dupes. I also noticed quite a few of the regulars were not on last night
Our club Station G4NOK with G4RQI on the key worked 101
John G4RCG
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