[UK-CONTEST] RSG Commonwealth Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Mar 7 12:15:00 EST 2007

The Commonwealth Contest takes place from 1000 UTC on
Saturday 10th March to 0959 UTC on Sunday 11th March.
It is a CW-only event for Commonwealth entrants only,
on the 5 contest bands from 80 to 10m.

There are 12 and 24-hour classes in both Open and
Restricted sections.

Rules at http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/rules/rberu.shtml

SDC (SD for the Commonwealth Contest) is a dedicated
contest logger for single-op entrants in this event.
V13.15 runs on any Windows PC and is free from

Should you enter a non-Commonwealth callsign or prefix,
it changes colour to red (with 3 or more characters
present).  This serves as a validity check if you're
not familiar with all Commonwealth Call Areas.

When you work HQ stations, the serial and "HQ" should
be entered as a single entity in the serial field, for
example 21HQ will be logged as 021 HQ in their respective

After the contest, use SDCHECK to prepare your Cabrillo
.LOG file.  Rename it with your callsign and email it to
commonwealth.contest at rsgbhfcc.org 

Paul EI5DI

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