Brian Miller brianmiller at paradise.net.nz
Tue Mar 13 05:16:23 EST 2007

Here is an update from Bob G3PJT - FYI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Whelan" <g3pjt at btinternet.com>
To: <zl4br at ihug.co.nz>; "Brian ZL1AZE" <brianmiller at paradise.net.nz>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:59 AM
Subject: E51PJT BERU

Hi Frank and Brian

  First thanks for the Qs, however my score is not up to my usual standard I am
afriad. We have had a very violent storm for all of the weekend. It started
Thursday and finished Sunday.
  Thsi severely detuned the antenna and caused some intermittents too due to the
strong winds and heavy rain.

  Anyway score was 3560 made up of Qs 192 and Bs 130.
  Conds not very good - SP to G very patchy (only G3SJJ) and LP very poor too

  Set up K2/100 B'nut on beach.

  I will file a more detailed report later.

  73 and many thanks

  Bob E51PJT

  Brian Could you post this to UK Contest reflector for me please ?  Thanks

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