[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest

ROBERT FERGUSON gm3yts at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 13 05:34:05 EST 2007

Hello Dave
  I asked a simple question and I was very disappointed to receive such a  reply and one that did not even attempt to answer the question. I do not need to look at an Atlas to look at the various distances between cities of the world. 
  I do participate in contests where inter G communication takes place as well as DX and I seem to be able to winkle out the VE’s and VK’s. even on 80mtrs. 
  I notice you don’t mention any  other bands.
  In the Commonwealth Contest it is possible to work a ZL1,2 and 3 who could all work each other but be located  in the same city !.    I worked a VE5  recently who was in VE6, tell me how that works.
  You may not understand why ARRL make G,GM,GI,GW separate countries but they do and  the RSGB understand that because they all count separately for the Commonwealth Awards. 
  For your enlightenment the ARRL rule covering G,GM,GI and GW
  “Original Listing: An Entity which was on the DXCC List at the time of inception.”
  I was only asking  about the origin  this all U.K.  rule and why it is not consistent with The RSGB Commonwealth Award scheme. 
  If I can’t ask questions of this nature on this forum to open up a sensible discussion or  reply then it’s a  poor show. 
  If you want to keep everything the same  because it’s always been like that then fine. 
73 Rob GM3YTS

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