[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth contest scoring query

Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ g3pmr at shacklog.co.uk
Tue Mar 13 06:34:08 EST 2007

Nigel, thanks for the feedback. I understand what you are saying, and yes, I 
did get mixed up between BCAs and bonusses. Hoever I still don't understand 
why the final score is not a multiple of 5.

I think that the restricted section in 2004 did not specify anything about 
antennas, I think it was just a 12 hour version of the open section. That's 
what my memory tells me, but it's not as good as it was!

I have already calculated my score, exporting the WL log into Excel. As you 
say, that's not the easiest way!

Congrats on your fine effort from V2. Thanks for the QSOs. V2 was a new one 
for me on 80m so I look forward to receiving the confirmation via LOTW in 
due course.

Like you, I just used BERU without TEST or CC. It seemed to work quite well, 
and makes it quite clear (cf TEST) to most that this is a restricted 
contest. As someone else said, CC could be confused with CQ.

Alan 5B4AHJ P3J

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nigel G3TXF" <nigel at G3TXF.com>
To: "UK Contest Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth contest scoring query

> Hello Alan,
> In the 2006 BERU results listing on the HFCC website they show the BCA
> figure (which is irrelevant in the computation of the score) whereas in
> previous years (2005, 2004) they have shown both the BCA and the (much 
> more
> important) Bonus total. It is the number of Bonus QSOs (x20) that gives 
> you
> the Bonus Points to be added to your QSO Points (x5).
> Hence the confusion!
> I have print-outs of the 2004, 2005 and 2006 BERU results which I studied
> closely on the long flight out to V2. The bit that confuses me is the
> "Restricted Section". In the 2004 BERU results 5B4AGN, ZF2NT and 5B4AGC 
> were
> shown as the top three stations in the Restricted Section. Now, as far as 
> I
> know, none of these three fine contesting chaps is into what the BERU 
> rules
> call an "antenna restricted to single element".
> Maybe the definition of "Restricted" has changed since the 2004 BERU, but 
> it
> is all quite confusing!
> While I'm on the subject of the Commonwealth Contest Rules as published on
> the RSGB Website, there is no mention of the contest calling format. This
> weekend I used nothing other than the four letters "BERU". No "Test", No
> "CQ" and No "CC", just "BERU" all the way.
> Good luck working out your claimed score. I did it the hard way. I used CT
> in the contest and then sucked the resulting Cabrillo file into Excel to
> work out my claimed score, including the Bonus Points and the BCAs.
> 73 - Nigel G3TXF
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Alan Jubb - 5B4AHJ" <g3pmr at shacklog.co.uk>
> To: "UK Contest Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:24 AM
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth contest scoring query
>> Hi all
>> Looking at the 2006 published results for the CC, I am puzzled as to how
>> the scores have been calculated.
>> There is obviously something I am not understanding.
>> The rules say "Each contact scores 5 points with a bonus of 20 points for
>> each of the first three contacts with each Commonwealth Call Area on each
>> band"
>> Looking at the first two places in the 2006 results for the open section,
>> we have:
>>      Pos Calsign Score QSO BCA 80m 40m 20m 15m 10m
>>      1 VE3EJ 7559 727 133 137/44 219/73 329/55 40/30 2/2
>>      2 ZC4LI 6667 784 93 75/13 209/39 304/54 184/27 12/9
>> For VE3EJ, I calculate the score as 727*5 + 133*20  = 6229, so where does
>> the 7559 come from?
>> I am puzzled by the total of 133 BCAs. Adding up the individual band
>> figures gives a total of 204 BCAs. Is the 133 the number of unique BCAs?
>> If so, then the score would be 727*5  + 204*20 = 7715, whch is still
>> different to the 7559.
>> It seems to me that the score should be a multiple of 5, so the total
>> score should end in 0 or 5.
>> Similarly for ZC4LI and other results. Can someone please explain the
>> correct calculation. Where am I going wrong?
>> Thanks & 73
>> Alan 5B4AHJ-P3J
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