[UK-CONTEST] Commonwealth Contest

G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 13 11:26:04 EST 2007

You little devil Cris! Looks likes you get the Ross Cary Trophy, and 
with simple wire/vertical antennas!

12 Hour Section
GM4FAM   192/        3980
GM3SEK    172/129  3440
G3SJJ          176/124  3355

73 Chris G3SJJ

gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk wrote:
> Greetings all
> Decided to do a 12 hour BERU again this year (just not enuf fire-power 
> on HF yet to compete with the big boys!).
> Condx much better than last year and, having read the rules a bit more 
> carefully, had a few more off periods with the requisite 60 mins 
> minimum - this paid dividends with a 50% increase in score (and a QSO 
> with HV0A on 160!).
> A real 4-band contest - just didn't bother listening on 10m - worked 
> 105 different calls in 38 call areas incl 8 stations on all 4 bands.
> Outstanding sigs from John G3LZQ, Nigel V25XF and various VE/VO on 
> 80m  - also pleased to work 2 different VP8's, the full complement of 
> VK6 on 3 bands, and a whole bunch of ZLs on 80.
> The only downside was 20m - very poor condx to VK/ZL in the morning, 
> but 40m more than made up for it.
> Claimed score = 3,980 points from 192 QSOs - dipole @ 38 ft on 15, 
> wire loop at same height on 20m + 76ft vertical on 40 and 80.
> Canada dominates my log = 95 QSOs (49%), Australia = 27 (14%), New 
> Zealand = 16 (8%).
> Major call areas:-
> VE3 - 36
> VE1 - 17
> VE2 - 15
> VK6 - 11
> VO1 - 10
> Great fun - congrats to all the leading stations and thanks to all 
> participants - roll on next year!
> 73 de CRIS
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