G3SJJ g3sjj at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 16 08:20:07 EST 2007

I am puzzled, Stewart.

An average rate of 25-30 an hour is not that fast really, say equivalent 
to NFD, and UK portables don't get lost in the mush there

Likewise in BERU, 25-30 is quite normal for VE, VK, ZL, J28, 5B4, 9H 
etc. A nice steady rate. I doubt if any of those guys would call it a 
rate contest.

So I am puzzled as to why if those rates were achievable in the UK, 
people should suddenly call it a rate contest.  Surely you are not 
suggesting that going from 6 an hour to 12 an hour makes it a rate 

I am not bothered about it being a rate contest, but let's at least give 
some consideration to the lesser equipped UK stations by acknowledging 
and promoting the 12 hour section.

To answer Rogers, comment, nothing I have suggested would affect me, 
except seeing my callsign in a different tabulation, but it would give 
some recognition to others, which is the point  I keep making.

Chris G3SJJ

Cooper, Stewart wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand what the objective of this thread is. After every contest there seems to be thread which discusses change. Chris used the word evolve - same thing. Do we want to make BERU a rate contest, or make it more attractive to new-comers? I see no mileage in either course. It is what it is. To force increased rates would involve allowing more people to work more people. Who? The Commonwealth entrants would be lost in the mush. There are already plenty contests using this formula. And although I appreciate that the hobby needs new-comers, BERU is not a contest for new-comers.
> This was my first 'entry' but it wasn't my first cruise around the bands during BERU by a long way. BERU is unique in contesting terms I think, and the status quo seems like a good formula to me.
> 73
> Stewart

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