Ian Fugler G4IIY zen90387 at zen.co.uk
Fri Mar 23 14:19:48 EST 2007

The Carlisle Radio Club has recently been reformed.  There are about 30 members, with a significant proportion of M3s/2Es.

I have invited them anyone who is interested to drop in to my place over the weekend to have a dabble in WPX.  The vast majority have never exchanged reports in a contest, so this will be a new experience for most of them.  I have set up two stations in my shack and we will enter the multi-2 category.  Clearly, this will not be a competitive entry.  But we hope to introduce some recently licensed people to contesting and, who knows, generate new UK Contest reflector subscribers.

As it's my wife's birthday tomorrow, my personal participation will be a little limited for the first 24 hours of WPX !

Apologies for bandwidth, but thought people may wish to be aware and understanding if the exchange from "G4IIY" is a little different from the norm this weekend.

73, Ian

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