Don Beattie g3ozf at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 25 04:22:49 EST 2007

I was not planning to do anything in WPX this weekend,  but the diary cleared and I had time for an SOAB effort.

Perhaps I should not have bothered.  With the A index between 10 and 20, the US "runs" on HF were dire. 

As SO is only 36 hours, I started just before dawn on Saturday. After nine hours, 1000Q's and 1.2M points I gave up, deciding there were better things to do than to keep bashing my head against the brick wall of propagation.

Funniest event on Saturday pm was a US station asking me if I'd mind moving as they had a weekly net on the frequency. I said if I could find another free frequency, of course I would ! But.........

Hope those who stayed the course had more success. I must be too old for contests !


Don, G3BJ / G5W


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