gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk gm4fam at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Mar 28 01:49:13 EST 2007

Just wanted to post my congrats Ian on your efforts to stir some 
contest interest in CRC - seems to have done the trick with at least 
one individual - let's hope this is just the beginning!

73 de CRIS

>As I said in my posting last Friday, I invited members of the 
recently reformed Carlisle Radio Club to participate in WPX SSB from my 
station.  I set it up for a multi-2 operation, albeit with fairly 
ordinary equipment/aerials.
>Colin (G6LSO) spent about 30 hours in the shack.  I managed to grab a 
few hours, in between family commitments.  There were a few club 
members who visited, but none could be tempted to operate.  We spent a 
good deal of time explaining what was happening; station set-up, 
contest rules, operating techniques (we did almost entirely s&p)....  I 
anticipate that some will return and 'have a go' next time.  Colin is 
totally hooked on contesting and I got him running on 20m on Sunday 
afternoon/evening.  It was pity that condx were not a little better.  
But he enjoyed working dozens of south Americans. 
>Not going to win anything, but the scores are as follows:


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