[UK-CONTEST] Anti-contest letters

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Thu Mar 29 15:38:16 EST 2007

Hi Chris and the group...............

Yes, it was quite interesting to read the "anti-contest" sentiments of a
Have you ever listened to some of the QSO's that take place between
non-contest stations during contests?
They generally contain nothing whatsoever that is radio-related, and many
just spend some time moaning about the contest stations on the band.
The illustrate quite nicely everything that is NOT what amateur radio is
Aside from the odd few contests (WPX, CQWW etc), most contests simply do not
take up the whole band, and many weeks are contest free for the most of us.
Over the last 6 - 8 months, there have been a surge of emails to RTTY
contest organisers, berating them for supporting RTTY contests that do not
stick to the data band-plan! There seems to be a group of them that attack
contest organisers after each and every RTTY contest. Just sad individuals,
with nothing better to do.

I was also quite amused by those letters pertaining to the use of area
designators when operating abroad.
My licence is for GU0SUP. I have never been licenced as anything else, and
to suggest I should operate as **/G0SUP, rather than **/GU0SUP is totally
I really cannot understand how this was ever doubted, and why the RSGB leant
any credence to such a thought.
And why they (RSGB) then had to "clarify" this with Ofcom in the April issue
is beyond me!

73 all


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