[UK-CONTEST] National Field Day
Paul O'Kane
pokane at ei5di.com
Wed May 30 13:10:37 EDT 2007
NFD takes place from 15:00 UTC Saturday 2nd June to 14:59 UTC
on Sunday 3rd June. It's a multi-op, CW-only event on the six
HF contest bands from 160 - 10m, with Restricted and Open
Rules at http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/rules/rnfd.shtml
SD supports NFD, and is appropriate when a single computer
is used for logging. V13.22 runs on any Windows PC and is
free from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.
Select SD's "RSGB NFD" template.
Work everyone. Exchange 5NN + Serial. QSOs with /P and /M
stations score double points, and points for all QSOs on 10m
and 160m are doubled again. Although there are no multipliers
in NFD, SD still identifies country "mults", as it's useful
if you intend to submit your log to the IARU Region 1 section
hosted by DARC.
Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file. Email it, as
an attached file, to nfd.logs at rsgbhfcc.org
Please mention SD in your Cabrillo soapbox comments.
Paul GI6YM/P
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