[UK-CONTEST] Software Poll

Chris Tran ZL1CT zl1ct at gm7v.com
Sat Nov 3 20:33:43 EST 2007

Hi Jim et al

Without getting too nostalgic, we started with 'CT' about 1992, on a PC with 
1MB of RAM - ran out of space to store QSOs in 1 contest ! Stuck with CT 
until well past its sell-by date (always had problems with networking) then 
went to Writelog then to Win-test. (Looked at N1MM but rejected it - 
especially after using it in 1 contest)

I have to disagree with Ian - my needs for day-to-day logging are very 
different from my contest logging requirements. I use Logger32 for 
day-to-day stuff, DXCC checking with LoTW reports imported, etc.. and 
Win-test for contest logging.

My advice would be to try as many of these programs as you can - they all 
have some hidden (or obvious) deficiencies, then you will find one that 
suits you best. Check compatibility with present and future hardware, USB 
support, etc..  Good software = you don't need to read the manual for 99% of 
tasks !


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