[UK-CONTEST] Software Poll

Dave Lawley g4buo at compuserve.com
Mon Nov 5 15:53:56 EST 2007

GM3SEK wrote:
> The advantage of type-ahead is that it makes a start on sending a 
> response, and reduces the risk of the station calling again in that 
> period of dead silence while you're still typing.

- don't let this give the impression that Win-Test can't do it. With WT, 
like CT, the operator is in charge not the software, so you get to 
choose when to start sending, by hitting the insert key, rather than 
have the software (so long as it assumes you're in run mode) start to 
send after the 4th character.

As others have said, whether you like or loathe ESM depends on whether 
you started with CT or TR. I used to think of it as a left coast / right 
coast thing but then I found this from Bob N6TV who although on the left 
coast prefers K1EA's approach with CT:

"I'd prefer to have the Enter key always do the same thing.  Human 
Engineering textbooks say it is generally best to have one function per 
key, where possible, for ease of use (and ease of learning).  Problems 
occur if the computer is in one mode & the operator is in another. :-)"

Dave G4BUO

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