Chris Tran ZL1CT zl1ct at gm7v.com
Sun Nov 11 14:46:59 EST 2007

Hello all

At ZL4A this weekend we had some spare time (between Eu pile-ups, JIDX Phone 
and the OK/OM CW) to do some more tests on SD and N1MM

Test 1 = PASS.  My previous test conditions were flawed, so I apologise to 
everyone for giving wrong info about SD - the 'Escape' key stops keying 
instantly in normal logging and in ESM mode. I had wrongly assumed that the 
output from the PC soundcard (my previous test set-up) would be the same as 
the actual keying output, which it is not - I missed Paul's comment to this 
effect. (For some reason the LPT keying cable, using Pin 17, would not key 
the radio, so I used a COM port cable instead)

Test 2 - Didn't get enough time to test this fully. Will report again once 
I've another opportunity to connect this laptop to a radio.

One further observation - I don't like ESM mode in either SD or N1MM - the 
'Enter' key does *not* always know what the operator wants to do next, 
except in the most straightforward of situations ?  The number of keystrokes 
required to correct or undo an ESM action seems to outweigh any possible 
time savings in the longer term ? Now standing by for flak from the ESM 
enthusiasts !


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