Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Nov 12 05:40:20 EST 2007

Cooper, Stewart wrote:
>Chris said:
>>I don't like ESM mode in either SD or N1MM - the 'Enter' key does *not*
>always know what
>>the operator wants to do next, except in the most straightforward of
>situations ?
>I agree. How difficult is it to press INS or F4 then F2 for S&P!? 
>(Personal view - I realise there are two camps here).

It doesn't hurt to use the function keys and INS occasionally... but 
having to reach to the top row of the keyboard for every single QSO does 
take its toll.

Personal view again: I find it much easier to tap out CQs and calls from 
the right-hand Enter key, which also keeps that hand close to the paddle 
and the mouse (best avoided, but there if needed). It also leaves the 
left hand completely free, except just once per QSO when it gets 
involved in typing the callsign.

Occasional fluffs in ESM can easily be rectified by using the Fkeys - 
the big difference being that you no longer have to use those keys 
routinely. In N1MM (the one I know best) the Fkeys will always override 
ESM; and when you have completed that QSO using the Fkeys, ESM will 
automatically come back online.

However, there definitely can be 'conversion problems' for operators who 
already have highly-developed Fkey reflexes. If you inadvertently press 
an Fkey when you should have pressed Enter, it can sometimes derail the 
ESM sequence... and then pressing Enter is likely to make things worse!


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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