[UK-CONTEST] Derrick - Petzl Traxion

Paul_group paul_group at greenrover.demon.co.uk
Fri Nov 16 15:01:59 EST 2007

G3RIR wrote:
> Paul,
> More information on the Petzl Traxion device with possible suppliers please.

I get mine through the company that supplies and tests all of our work 
at height equipment, it comes under lifting and lowering regs and the 
same kit is part of our tower rescue stuff.. so I just include it on the 
six month test schedule..

However after 5:30 we aren't bound by such requirements and as such 
almost any half decent climbing shop will be able to provide this at 
significantly less than I have to pay for it.

Cotswold camping, Blacks etc.. have good rock climbing departments, look 
out for skinny lycra clad 17 year old youths doing pull ups on their 
fingertips.. ask them what an EN358 steel krab is :-)

Anyway, three tools that I never leave home without..

Petzyl Traxion - http://www.rockclimbing.com/gear/Detailed/559.html

lifting and lowering, general rope control. Lifting a big amp into your 
roofspace shack, one of these with a good rope and a couple of slings 
takes all the risk out of it.

It works as a swing cheek pulley with a cam in it that grips the rope in 
one direction, so the rope will pass freely through the pulley in one 
direction but if you let go.. it stops. You can reverse the rope by 
moving a lever which releases the cam, but then it works just like a 
normal pulley. So if you need to lower the load YOU MUST rig up a system 
to allow you to brake the rope. As I said an Italian hitch and a krab 
will do this, but you don't want to be looking for the bits in your kit 
bag when you actually need them :-)

Petzyl ID - http://www.rockclimbing.com/gear/Detailed/346.html

abseiling device, safe for two men on one rope (rescue)

Petzyl Rocker - http://www.rockclimbing.com/gear/Detailed/1755.html

rope grab fall arrest device, attach to the harness on a short sling 
with a shock absorber, first man up the tower hauls a rope, attach to 
top, subsequent climbers have a temporary fall arrest. If I'm going to 
be all day up and down a mast with no permanent fall arrest system or 
more likely the one fitted hasn't been inspected for ten years I'd rig 
one of these in a flash

Some general stuff here - http://en.petzl.com/petzl/Accueil

Sorry, this has turned into a bit of a ramble..


73 de Paul GW8IZR IO73TI

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