Bob Beebe gu4yox at cwgsy.net
Tue Nov 27 15:33:41 EST 2007

Hi Everyone

I really enjoyed this weekend and I thought that conditions were generally good on 80M. I found that running LP was an issue when S+P for the rarer stations. I spent 30-40 mins calling stations in the Carribean - several to no avail. I was really hoping to make it with A45XR and the 3X boys, but again no joy. However, when I was spotted, the floodgates opened and sometimes the EU PU's were very challenging. Highlights for me were being called by a VR2 station for Z24 and a sigle JA for Z25. Was delighted to be called by a ZL at Sunday SR for Z32. My first night run to the US was really great, I think I must have put hundreds in the log....

I fell asleep for 2 hours on Sunday morning when it became quiet about 3 ish and I as pretty shattered after a busy week working up to Friday night. I kept drifting off first night.

The weather was very kind to us this time in GU, contrary to MZ5D in Shetland - (See the great www.G3TXF.com website for pics)thanks for the double mult Ian - you were very strong here, and you put a smile on my face. Also a happy memory of our NFD night out at Crabby Jacks with the GU and AAA teams came to mind!

I ran an Inverted V at 65' and Beverages/ loop for receive. The trusty FT1KMP MkV was the radio.

I missed my commercial radio slot on Saturday  explaining I was busy. I don't think that they would have believed what I was really doing!

SD was flawless and a double scrren arrangement allowed space for Ionoprobe and DX Atlas as well.

I was called by MU0A who was strong with me but turned out to be a pirate according to latest reports...

The driver to keep going as I approached sunrise was the fabulous smell of grilled egg and bacon, on both mornings with all the trimmings coming into the shack at 08.30 ish from the kitchen. Great!

Here are the GU4YOX totals:

955 QSO's 79 Countries  20 Zones and 140,085 Points

Looking forward to next year now. Logs uploaded and LOTW updated as well.

Thanks for the QSO's everyone.

Best Wishes


Sent via Cable & Wireless Guernsey system at cwgsy.net


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