[UK-CONTEST] No QSLs please..?

Laurence Mason laurence at forest-farm.co.uk
Thu Oct 25 09:56:40 EDT 2007

Stewart Rolfe wrote:
> Folks,
> I've been surprised at how many stations automatically send qsl cards 
> for contest QSOs. I've been getting loads from DLs for instance and to 
> be honest I don't particularly need 'em but feel an obligation to 
> reciprocate nevertheless.
Some of the contest stations take the view that the quickest way to deal 
with QSLs is to send them 100% from the log - they can then ignore / 
instruct sub managers to destroy all the incoming cards. The view is 
that the cost of cards is less important than the time to check each 
card as it comes in, load printer with labels, sent to buro etc etc. Of 
course busted calls are a problem.

Laurence G4HTD

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