QUENTIN COLLIER q.g.collier at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 3 12:18:05 EDT 2007

Hi Pete,
  As adjudicator for HF NFD, it's probably appropriate for me to comment!
  We exchange logs with the organisers of the Russian, Swiss and German Field Days. This gives us around 275 - 300 logs to check against rather than the 50 UK logs so inevitably there will be a higher error rate than if we were just cross checking against the UK logs. 
Your error rate of around 5% puts you (from memory - I'm out of the UK on business this week and don't have all the records to hand) about the average in terms of error rate (which actually varied from 0% - on a very small log - to almost 22%). 
  A reason for the higher loss rate on QSOs was that this year I was following a different policy on deductions, in that this year QSOs with incorrect serials were treated as bad QSOs and were deleted totally whereas last year the QSO remained valid but lost points - so your higher loss rate doesn't mean that your team are being less accurate.
  I hope that helps Pete.

Quin G3WRR 
  peter Jackson <peter.jackson17 at ntlworld.com> wrote:
  Hi, I was disappointed that our club had lost 47 Q's out of a claimed 904 in NFD this year, this is more than 50% increase on last years when we had more contacts. How is the contest adjudicated? is only UK logs used in adjudication, or do Europe send their logs to the RSGB for cross checking? If it is the former, then it's more serious as we work far more eu's than G's. Do other clubs suffer similar losses? I will be pleased to hear from them.
73 Pete G3KNU (G4FUH/P Scunthorpe Steel ARC)
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