G4FNL g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 9 07:40:08 EDT 2007

The Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club entered SSB Field Day this
year. In recent years, this was only our second year that we have put in an
entry - and it was my first SSB FD for many years!

We were in the restricted section, and our claimed score is as follows:
604 Q's
10 Dupes
81 Mults
total score = 196,425

I realise that we're not likely to win anything with that score, but it was
a club event, and was treated as such. Our score, compared to last year, was
82k higher - and so we did improve. We have also set ourselves a target for
next year. It was the first time that many of our new ops had even heard
SSB - so quite a challenge for all concerned. I hope that it's given them
some enthusiasm for next year.

Thanks to all who worked us, and for the patience which you would probably
have needed!

73 Graham G4FNL

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