[UK-CONTEST] Waxoyl - slightly off topic.

Richard Newstead g3cwi at btconnect.com
Sun Sep 16 09:55:44 EDT 2007

A while back I read a recommendation of Waxoyl for protecting bolts etc on  
aerial systems; I imagine it was in Ian GM3SEK's column. Taking this to  
heart I liberally sprayed it on all the exposed bolts on the pole I have  
on my house. That was seven years ago (perhaps eight).

Today was a very long overdue maintenance period. Imagine my surprise  
while balancing on a ladder to find all the hardware in perfect condition.  
Half a turn to take the pressure off the bolts and the nuts were all  
easily undone by hand. So good was it that all the redundant hardware has  
gone back in the garage as opposed to the dustbin. I was gobsmacked!

Needless to say I sprayed them liberally with Waxoyl again.

Thanks Ian (or whoever recommeded it!).



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