Clive GM3POI
gm3poi2 at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 7 03:57:49 EDT 2008
Stewart the rules say " 10 points for each contact with another UK station"
that effectively excludes anyone else. 73 Clive GM3POI
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stewart Rolfe" <gw0etf at btinternet.com>
To: <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:51 AM
> Clive GM3POI wrote:
>> ......................................................While we are at it
>> what is wrong with working outside UK if the station sends his post code
>> i.e. in the form D42678 not that we get too many EU callers.
>> 73 Clive GM3POI
> There's a comment on the 2006 Ropoco 1 results page that overseas
> callers *can* be included ("..the rules do not specifically exclude
> overseas QSOs..").
> In the same resumee is mention of previous postcode 'disasters' as well
> as the following:-
> ""..Another common query was "Why hold the contest so early on Sunday
> morning, instead of later in the day when propagation may be better and
> more stations would be around to work?" The time was set specifically
> when the event was designed because it doesn't interfere with those who
> go to church, or who like a formal Sunday Lunch with the family, or who
> like to watch TV, and also because QRM to and from other band users,
> especially overseas, is minimised...""
> This would make an interesting exam essay question - "Discuss how this
> statement is an accurate portrayal of the typical modern British family
> in the 21st century"........Personally I don't mind the early start but
> would prefer an alternative time if it meant more participants; just for
> this year I admittedly did go and watch TV since the Olympic torch
> procession rekindled memories of the Wales grand slam with the quality
> of the blitz defence..
> 73, Stewart GW0ETF
> (LL57 4DR)
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