[UK-CONTEST] Web based SDR

Chris Tran GM3WOJ zl1ct1 at gm7v.com
Sun Apr 20 13:04:27 EDT 2008

Hi Stewart et al

>> GMs '3WIJ and 4AFF were the strongest sigs on 40m

Sorry - should be GM3WOJ not GM3WIJ (GM3WIJ exists but was not QRV I 
think) - I hope CW Skimmer gives similar inaccuracies !  Actually I hope CW 
Skimmer does not work at all, but that's another debate....

Thanks for the compliments about the CW signals - FT-1000MP with W8JI 
key-click mod. I am not a great fan of the 'Sprint' format, but enjoyed this 
contest - finished with 117 QSOs.


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