[UK-CONTEST] RSGB Sprint Contest

stewart rolfe gw0etf at btinternet.com
Tue Aug 12 04:07:48 EDT 2008

--- G4FNL <g4fnl at bubloz.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> Folks
> Just a reminder that the first of the new series of
> RSGB Sprint contests 
> starts this week, with the CW Sprint on 80m on
> Thursday 14th Aug at 
> 19:00Z.
> The RSGB HFCC web site has the rules and some useful
> examples to explain 
> the exchanges. 

Quote from the rules:
"3. Special QSY Rule: if any station initiates a call
(by sending CQ, QRZ?, etc.), they are permitted to
work ONLY one station on the same frequency. They must
thereafter move AT LEAST 2 kHz before they may call
another station, or 5 kHz before they may solicit (CQ,
QRZ?, etc.) other contacts."

Just wondering if anyone knows the reasoning behind
the split qsy (2/5 khz) rule, and how this would be
adjudicated from the logs. The bigger Eusprint contest
just specifies 2 khz full stop and is much easier to
keep a grip on (and adjudicate...?).

By the way I hope to try out the new {CAT1ASC
radio_ASCII_command(s)} macro in N1MM this time to
automatically qsy my K3 after each 'RUN' qso. Lock the
VFOs say 5khz apart and then stick the macro at the
end of the F3 (run) key; the CAT command will do a VFO
A/B key press. Not sure if it'll make a huge
difference but it's fun to try.... 

Stewart Rolfe, GW0ETF

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