[UK-CONTEST] Product Review
colin at g3psm.net
Tue Aug 26 12:00:26 EDT 2008
It really is a case of marketing. Both at Dayton and Friedrichshafen
the RSGB Advertising Manager is tasked with trying to find advertisers
for RadCom. After all, no advertising, no RadCom and this has always
been the case. In some cases products are offered to us for review as
part of the package and we are therefore obliged to try and find
reviewers. In case you are wondering the Advertising Manager, an
active DXer and CDXC member, gets paid commission on results ansd is not
on the RSGB payroll.
I believe this product was offered to us at Dayton, hence the reason
Elaine is looking for a reviewer.
I have to agree though that this is probably not a widely used accessory
and this is probably the reason he wants it reviewed. At the present
moment it looks like he could be unlucky.
Colin, G3PSM
G3RIR wrote:
> Dave,
> You may be correct about equalizers but perhaps they are not commonly used
> because we don't understand their value to us.
> At present, I am struggling to obtain a decent recoding of my CQ in my
> laptop using audacity. There are various weird noises in the background
> (-30dB at a guess) which I would like to remove. I wonder if an outboard
> equalizer would be a useful adjunct.
> However, I do echo your question as to who selects products for review.
> In general, in my view, Radcom is a much more worthwhile read (no pun
> intended) since Giles took over as technical editor.
> Neil, G3RIR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of dave at g4buo.com
> Sent: 26 August 2008 16:07
> To: uk-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] Product Review
> Outboard audio equalisers are not, in my experience, a widely-used
> accessory. Some modern rigs have the functionality built-in to the
> transmit DSP, should it be required. Perhaps there just isn't anyone out
> there familiar enough or interested enough in such a product?
> Which raises some questions. Who chooses which bits of kit get reviewed in
> Radcom? Is this more a case of W2IHY trying to get some free publicity for
> his piece of kit? If audio equalisers aren't commonly used, why are we
> taking up valuable Radcom space reviewing one?
> Dave G4BUO
>> In the absence of any response on either the Spectrum Forum or the CDXC
>> reflectors this is the 3rd and final time of asking -
>> The Radom editor is stuck trying to find a reviewer for the following
>> products -
>>> Can you help me find a reviewer for these pieces of kit?
>>> W2IHY 8 band audio equaliser, iplus and eqplus (www.w2ihy.com
>>> <http://www.w2ihy.com/>)
>>> I'm looking for someone who understands the audio side of a transmission
>> The usual suspects are either too busy, on holiday or dis-inclined so
>> can anyone else help please?
>> 73
>> Colin, G3PSM
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