[UK-CONTEST] OT-Band hoppers

Clive Whelan clive.whelan at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 2 05:45:20 EST 2008

Hardly contest related so please excuse the bandwidth, but you are such 
a knowledgeable lot here ;-)

I don't know how better to describe that which I'm referring to. If you 
have a high boredom threshold read on...

There are many interesting things about using an SDR, and many are 
related to the visual aspects thereof. A particular fascination for me 
is observing signals passing through our bands- most notably 7Mhz- which 
are quite inaudible despite being what would probably be S7(ish). 
Probably they are not audible even as a blip, because of the speed of 
transit. I haven't measured it, but probably they traverse the span of 
7Mhz in a second or two.

My best guess is that these are ionosondes of some kind. Anyone know?



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