Danny Higgins danny.higgins at keme.co.uk
Wed Dec 3 13:44:42 EST 2008

brian coyne wrote:
> I am not a Luddite, the cluster has it's place but it has got to the stage which is spoiling our enjoyment, so is the hobby happy to sit on their hands shaking heads and doing nothing whilst the problem gets worse and worse ? I hope there can be some concentration of minds to work upon finding a solution.
> 73  Brian 5B4AIZ

There doesn't seem to be a lot of options:

Make CQWW a sprint event (?);
Post audio clips of persistent offenders on a name-and-shame website and 
hope that the organisers will deduct points for ungentlemanly conduct;
Work the offenders, but don't put them in the log.

The cluster has its uses.  I did a fairly low key entry, trying this 
year to add to my 40M total.  I spent over an hour calling XW1B with 
100W and a dipole (unsuccessfully), but the cluster gave me the chance 
to try another few pile-ups at the same time.


Danny, G3XVR

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